The Pimple, sunrise
The Pimple, Sunrise

Meet the Tavistock NDP Assistant!

(Your AI-powered guide to all things

Tavistock Neighbourhood Development Plan.)

What this assistant can do:

âś… Explain the Tavistock Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) in simple terms.
âś… Summarise key policies on housing, business, transport, heritage, and the environment.
âś… Help you find relevant sections of the plan without digging through lengthy documents.
âś… Answer common questions about planning policies affecting Tavistock.
âś… Point you to official resources for more details.

What this assistant cannot do:

❌ Predict the future—especially not how Plymouth Argyle will perform this season!
❌ Approve or reject planning applications (that’s West Devon Borough Council’s role).
❌ Change planning policies to suit specific projects.
❌ Set traffic speed limits, enforce parking rules, or install better broadband.
❌ Hand out funding—but it can tell you if the plan supports certain projects!

If you have a question about the Tavistock Neighbourhood Development Plan, why not ask the AI Assistant?

(For official guidance, visit or email [email protected].)